
hey, it's cheaper than the price of gasoline (yes it is!)

It's Friday! And here's the perfect song to celebrate:

(available for free download here)

What are your plans for the weekend? Mine include:

1. A morning trip to the farmer’s market for the last of summer’s produce (while crying inside)
2. Working on things for the blog (because I clearly have a life)
3. A birthday party (in my attempt to have a life)
4. Making a new batch of cookie dough (possibly just for you, if you share with me your favorite cookie memory here)
5. Dancing and singing along to this song (because I can):
Love each minute, live each hour
Embrace them all like a meteor shower
Believing the sky is doing it just for you, and you and you too

Ahhh, the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. i'm going to enjoy the last of this summer, too! by getting my swim & tan on :P wish you could join me!
