
how to: get that taylor swift song out of your head

I need me some of this.

1. Resist. Whatever you do, DO NOT look up the song. You can do this.
2. Sing another song in your head. Any song. Use the macarena if you have to. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
3. Write a Facebook status about how you can't get any work done because of this mother effin song. Take some comfort in finding you are not alone.
4. Stare really hard at your work. Stare harder.
5. Forget it. Just give in. Get it out of your system. INDULGE IT.
6. Listen to it on repeat for the next five hours. Surprise yourself with your increased productivity, now that half your energy is no longer being used in a futile battle. 
7. Sing all the harmonies in your head.
8. Play it on your computer as soon as you get home.
9. Sing it and dance around while you wait for your leftovers to reheat for dinner.
10. Wash your hands and look up the chords to that ish.
11. Play it on the guitar over and over and over again until you can do it with no mistakes (that is, at least 10 times).
12. Listen to the original song again just for kicks.
13. Sing it in the bathroom, in your room, in the kitchen...

I lied. This is as far as I've gotten and the condition's only gotten decidedly worse. If you know of anything that works, please advise. 

In more equally serious news, I'm working on a number of recipes this weekend so expect some posts (with better pictures) coming soon. Honest. The last couple weeks have leaned toward the crazy side of busy, but I'm tired and happy, which is the best kind of tiredness a person could ask for. 

A happy hump day to all! Check in soon!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely just opened up Blank Space after reading this post... here it goes~
