
weekly roundup: candy gifs, hot sauce and more

image by Cristoph Niemann, for NY Times Magazine

1. The NY Times Magazine Food Issue
I know, I know, this is last weekend's news, but you need to take a look if you haven't already. There are animated unicorns jumping over gummi bear rainbows in a candy-eating-chronology so precise, you might feel publicly outed. (I did.) There's a video of second-graders dining at Daniel with adorable (and therefore wholly acceptable) candidness, and a mom who laments, hilariously, the horrific comeback of the homemade dinner and the army of "gently condescending" cookbook moms jumping up and down about it. And cookbook master Mark Bittman writes about cooking for his kids every night, which made me feel incredibly thankful to grow up with mostly homemade dinners.

image by Tasting Table

2. Ford Fry's Thai Chile Hot Sauce, via Tasting Table
I was going to post this separately before I realized that 1. I'm adding absolutely nothing to the recipe and 2. TT's photos are a lot better than my iPhone ones. While it took me a couple of Google searches and a mid-week trek to Chinatown to get all the needed ingredients, I regret nothing. This recipe is on point, people. The way it's written, it achieves a perfect balance between sweet, sour, salty, spicy and funky. I feel like putting it on everything from porridge to eggs to fried chicken (which I'm looking to try this week per TT's suggestion). You will need to find nam prik pao, a dark red chile and soybean oil paste. But if for some reason gochujang is easier to find where you are, try using that as a swap - just omit the sugar and half of the fish sauce.

3. "Chapters" - Sonny and the Sunsets

Because it wouldn't be a Friday without a good celebration song.

(Real recipe post coming this weekend, people. Pinky promise.)

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